
Recapping the video marketing trends of 2018

Ellan Dineen

By now, you’re probably well aware of the magic of video when it comes to marketing. In fact, 51% of marketers name video as the type of content with the best ROI, and marketers who take advantage of video in their campaigns grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users.

Incorporating video into a strategy can help marketers expand their reach, increase engagement, boost understanding, and distinguish their brand. A whopping 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos, and social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined.

It’s clear just why videos are being used more and more in marketing, but how is this delightful medium being utilized? The following article will cover some of the most notable video marketing trends we saw in 2018, and discuss their significance for marketers in 2019 and beyond.

1. Live streaming

Live streaming continues to increase in popularity, and with good reason. According to Facebook, live broadcasts earn six times more interactions than regular videos, making them invaluable tools for brands looking to connect with their audiences on a deeper level. Live streaming feels more personal than your average video, and it is a great way to address concerns or respond to consumer queries in real time.

twitch app opened on iPhone

This medium gives viewers instant gratification, and it is a fantastic way to build anticipation over product launches, introduce employees, host helpful Q&A sessions, provide tutorials and tips, or simply give audiences a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of your business. Buzzfeed uses live streaming to showcase quirky stunts, Dunkin Donuts gives followers a behind-the-scenes look into their kitchens, and Benefit cosmetics is just one of the many beauty brands using live streaming to teach viewers how to apply their products.

What this means for you going forward: The popularity of live streaming proves that consumers value accessibility in brands. Connect with your audience by taking advantage of all that live streaming has to offer. For 2019, make it a point to live stream at least once a week. Remember that live streaming isn’t reserved for breaking developments— consumers will appreciate even seeing the day-to-day operations of your brand, and this will build trust and loyalty.

2. Video transcription

You’re having a slow day at work so you decide to have a scroll through your Facebook newsfeed. Before you die of boredom, you decide to click on a marketing video from one of the brands you follow. Not wanting to alert your boss or colleagues to what you’re up to, you make sure to mute the volume. Luckily, you can still enjoy your cheeky workday video, thanks to video transcription.

Today, 85% of videos are watched without sound, which means that transcribing your videos is essential in order to ensure your message is still absorbed.

In 2018 brands continued to realize the importance of videos with text, and this trend isn’t likely to disappear in 2019, or anytime soon. Food-centric brand Tasty ensures subtitles are available on all of their videos, and entertainment website Hellogiggles adorns most of their videos with big, bold text so that they’re easily digested regardless of sound.

What this means going forward: A good rule of thumb for 2019 is to assume that your video will be watched without sound. Create your video with this in mind, and use larger text so that it can be read easily, in fonts and colors that stay true to your brand image. It’s also a good idea to keep text simplified, because long paragraphs may frustrate viewers and lead to swift navigation away from your page.

3. Mobile optimized videos

With the busy lifestyles of today, mobile devices have become central to the way we live and operate. Wherever we go, our mobile decides can easily come along too— they are the pinnacle of modern convenience.

Using mobile phone in public

There are over 3.7 billion mobile users worldwide, and over half of the global internet traffic is generated through mobile phones alone. 90% of Facebook users log in through mobile devices, so it’s never been more important to have your videos optimized for mobile.

The 1:1 square video format is a much better fit when considering mobile devices. These square videos are not only more aesthetically appealing for mobile users, but they are also responsible for increasing completion rates of cropped videos by 67%, and for helping your videos get noticed by taking up 78% more space within Facebook’s newsfeed.

What this means for you going forward: These days, it’s hip to be square. If you’re creating a video and want it to be enjoyed in all its glory, be sure to stick to the square 1:1 format. Additionally, optimize videos for mobile even further by making text big and easily readable on these smaller devices, keeping videos short and sweet so busy mobile users on-the-go have the time and patience to watch them, and be sure to preview your videos on mobile before releasing them to make sure they’re playing as they should be.

4. Brands collaborating with customers via video

Collaborating with customers is one of the best things brands can do to earn the trust of their audience. When you add video to the equation, it becomes an even more effective tactic. This year has seen an increase in brands utilizing the voices of their customers through video. After all, who better to tell your story to your customers than one of their own?

Sportswear brands such as Nike have partnered with a variety of their customers to tell each of their unique stories and illustrate how Nike has helped them on their journeys. Fashion brands such as and Manrepeller often have customers take over their Instagram feeds and provide video footage of shopping trips and dressing room try-on, or scenes from their stylish daily lives. Through these collaborative videos, customers feel more valued and more connected to the heart of the brand.

What this means going forward: It’s time to start using your customers as ambassadors for your brand. Encourage your valued customers to share their video stories for a chance to be featured on your social media pages, or choose specific brand representatives to “takeover” your feeds from time to time. This will spice up your social media content with something new, and show your followers how valuable they are to you.

5. Video accessible to everyone, regardless of budget

Those days are gone when you had to have a large budget in order to produce a quality video. Now you can create a great video quickly, easily, and without spending a fortune. Each year seems to welcome new tools and updates that streamline and economize essential marketing tasks, and 2018 welcomed plenty of these— many of which were aimed at video production specifically.

Recording video on iPhone

Tools such as iMovie, Magix Movie Edit Pro, Adobe Premiere Elements, CyberLink PowerDirector and Design Wizard’s online video editor allow marketers to reap the benefits of video for their brand, at a fraction of the cost.

What this means going forward: Since more and more brands have access to useful video software and platforms to upload them to, more videos will be made. It’s therefore essential that you do what you can to stand out from the crowd. Do your research and invest in video software that aligns with your media goals. Make videos that give value to your customers while highlighting your brand ethos.

In 2018, video reigned supreme, and the forecast for 2019 is sunny with a chance of more videos! What were some of your favorite video marketing trends of 2018? What do you hope to see more of in the years to come?

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