
9 Common Product Issues Fixed by a UX Review

Yashu Mittal

UX review is a process during which we thoroughly analyse the client’s product, focusing on user experience and business value. It’s a diagnosis crucial before any treatment can commence.

At the end of a UX review, the client receives a report containing a list of issues to fix, quick wins, and recommendations for the future development of the product. You can find out more about the benefits of UX review here.

In the case of one of our projects, an online platform provider for sharing economy service markets (e.g. babysitting), the product had already existed on the market for a significant time and had already proved its efficiency when we conducted the UX review. We discovered no critical issues and confirmed that the product was working efficiently.

One of the major issues discovered was that the Google Analytics account wasn’t set up properly. Every online platform had two different types of users (with different goals, motivations, etc.) and needed two separate Analytics segments that would allow the team to properly study users’ behaviour.

Below, you’ll find a list of other problems we’ve found and solutions implemented after the UX review.

The Challenges We Found - And Faced

Dealing with a complex interface

The sales screen where users could upgrade to a premium version of the product caused cognitive overload and was a bit too complicated – there were too many elements and actions to be taken on a single screen.


Upgrading to the premium subscription was improved by dividing the screen with the selection of plan and payment into two steps, making it easier to understand and use. More social proof examples were added to grow conversion.

Perfecting the mobile experience

The mobile user experience needed some improvement: the web forms’ design diverged slightly from best practices, some elements were too small, and data inputs weren’t designed in the most efficient way.


Mobile usability was improved through the use of best practices for data input UI elements (segmented controls, native mobile date pickers, appropriate keyboards for specific data, etc.). Additionally, form-filling was simplified by merging fields, implementing sliders, and using segmented controls for mobile devices.

Clearing up the messaging system

The messaging system was somewhat unclear and reduced the speed and efficiency of user communication.


The messaging system was completely redesigned, allowing for smooth and clear communication between users.

Cleaning up the information architecture

The information architecture wasn’t optimal. Upon opening a user’s profile, only the name and image were shown, and important information was presented only later. The main CTA within the user profile was duplicated, which might have confused users.


The accessibility of key information was improved, especially on mobile profiles. Placing rating, profile details and main CTA buttons on the top spot “above the fold” introduced a clear hierarchy. Unnecessary duplicates of CTAs were removed, which decluttered the space.

Optimising the searching functionality

Searching for information in the platform guide could be a bit easier. The results sorting on mobile devices was hidden and required additional effort. It was hard to find the right information without strong sorting and filtering options for mobile devices.


Searching on the platform was improved for mobile users through UI fixes such as sliders instead of dropdown fields in filters. Moreover, sorting options were made more accessible, and an option to instantly clear filter settings was added.

Making the CTAs more effective

CTAs (calls to action) asking users to give/receive feedback were not easily accessible, and the majority of users didn’t rate the services at all.


The giving/receiving feedback functionality was improved by including it within the messaging system and adding additional CTA buttons for those users who haven’t given feedback yet.

Simplifying the registration process

The registration process on the landing page for a dating platform was creating additional friction for users by asking them to go through several steps.


The landing page for the dating service was improved by replacing the ‘register’ button with a registration form. This reduced the number of steps required for registration.

Making the sign-up and social proof sections more visible

The sign-up section on the landing page was not prominent enough and too few social proof examples were shown, which reduced the likelihood of converting users.


Landing pages for other platforms were improved by adding a featured social proof section and making the registration section more prominent.

Following industry standards for the UI

The alignment and positioning of some UI elements did not follow the industry standards. This caused users to experience confusion when interacting with the platform.


The alignment and positioning of UI elements throughout the platform were improved, enhancing usability.

How can your product benefit from a UX review?

This is an example of one of our client’s UX review and the improvements that followed. Many of the issues and resulting changes were related to general user friendliness, interface and functionality.

Do you think your product could benefit from a UX review? A UX review could help you find out what issues to prioritise in order to enhance your product or service and amaze your users. Let us know if you have any questions!

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