
A/B Testing - A Basic Guide with Examples and Tools

Yashu Mittal

Have you ever tried eating a dosa with different chutneys? You may like one chutney more than the other. Ever thought of applying this dosa-chutney scenario to your website? A/B testing is just that. Applying this to your website, online store or any other landing page/social media ad can help you get more traffic and achieve great conversion rates.

Understanding A/B testing

Did you know you are probably being A/B tested on every fourth website you visit in a day? Social media websites like Facebook do that too!

The basic concept of A/B testing is to make different iterations of an online element and choose which iteration is doing better than the other. It may be something as big as a landing page or just something as minor as a call-to-action button.

Who doesn’t like options, right! You can test absolutely anything: a form or the placement of it, the amount of text, buttons, icons, design or just the URL structure. You can also test copies for social media and Google ads!

Check out this A/B testing example:


From the above image, it is clear that Version A had 23% lower Control as compare to Version B.

Why should you do A/B testing

A/B testing can do several things for your online store or website. Here are just a few pointers on why you should consider testing your options:

How to do A/B testing

There are several tools that you can perform A/B tests with. Most of them require a bit of code-embedding and it’s not difficult. Here are a few easy tools that can help you start testing on your website immediately:

1. Google Analytics

If you are familiar with Google Analytics, you can easily perform A/B tests. Google offers something called “Content Experiment” that allows you to perform split tests and multi-page tests as well. Check out this guide to testing with Google Analytics.

2. Five-Second Test

This is a tool that allows you to upload your design and run a five-second test on your users. Almost like a memory game, your customers will be shown a certain page and a word cloud after five seconds and will be asked to choose what they register or remember about the page they just saw. Try the tool here.

3. Optimizely

In this tool, all you need to do is copy the embed code for tracking different goals of your website and paste it into your website’s HTML code. Here’s an easy guide to start using Optimizely.

Don’t have a website yet? Don’t worry, you can get with CodeCarrot. You can not only track who visits your website but also get detailed insights and test with the Google Analytics app. Sell your products/services directly from your website, accept payments and lot more.

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