
Downloadable worksheet - Website Review for your small business website

Yashu Mittal

If you hadn’t noticed, we devote a lot of space in our blogs to building websites. And it’s not just because CodeCarrot is team of web and mobile application developer. It’s because we know small businesses today need a strong online presence to compete — and that (usually) starts with an effective website. We know that because we’ve owned small businesses ourselves, and we’ve talked to multitudes of entrepreneurs who’ve shared the same basic storyline:

My website is an indispensable tool for my business.

Sure, you might start out with only a Facebook page. If you want to be taken seriously, though, you’re going to need a dedicated website to serve as your online center of gravity. It’s your unique place in the vast cyberverse to tell your story your way, inspire visitors to action, and capture qualified leads.

But before you make your website live for all the world to see, take a moment to inspect it.

Download a 10-point website review

Eventually your website needs a shortlist of basic features so it can work its best for your business — including customer testimonials, compelling calls-to-action, and a signup form so you can collect email addresses. We’ve put together a 10-Point Website Review to help you make sure you’ve covered the fundamentals.

It’s free. Click here to sign up and download it.

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