
Toggle Sidebar in Sublime Text

Yashu Mittal

The shortcut for toggle sidebar in Sublime Text wasn’t working for me. Searching about it in the internets, I discovered that you’ve to press command+k and then command+b, they call it a sequential shortcut.

For me that’s crazy behavior, but it’s quite simple to change it: go to Preferences » Key Bindings - User and paste the following in your file:

// Toggle the Sidebar
{ "keys": ["super+\\"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" },

// BONUS: Reveal current file on the sidebar tree
{ "keys": ["super+shift+r"], "command": "reveal_in_side_bar" },

That’s it! Now when you press command+\ it’ll show or hide the sidebar. As a bonus, I also added the shortcut command+shift+r to reveal the current file in the tree.

Note to Windows users: you must change super to ctrl.

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